yes very false. i used to work in a call center. it was the number on the screen for ordering products or '; free '; prayer. yeah... we would have them call another number .... that redirected them to us at 30 $/minute.
yeah. binny hinns a genius. a rich man, but not a prophet.Is Benny Hinn a false Profit and is it spiritually safe for a christian to criticize him?
He's an nut job...
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I loved his show! He'd always slap that little old man on the head and chase women around in fast-motion! Damn funny.
Benny Hinn Rocks,,,yea!!! (rocks the people out of their hard earn money, that is.) I wonder sometimes, who's the idoit? Benny or the people who listen and give him money??
i believe that he is a fake and a false prophet that many people run to well these are the end times right!
Of course he is not a prophet, you can tell from his ';prophesies'; that are not true. But to ask if it is spiritually safe to criticize him, is, well, giving him waaaaayyyyy too much power. But on the other hand, you shouldn't really criticize as much as compare what he says to what the Bible says, and then pray for him and move on.
The person that should be worrying about spiritual safety is Mr. Hinn. NEVER a good idea to go around saying ';God told me to tell you...'; unless they are absolutely 100 certain. The fact that he continues to give these false ';prophesies'; when they are continually wrong says he is completely consumed and puffed up with pride.
You would do well to just shake the dust off your feet, pray, and move on. I've seen people flip out over stuff like this. It is so not worth it.
Yes Benny Hinn is a false prophet, he is teaching Christianity in a wrong way. Christians can criticize him because of his teachings. I agree with Luckybeatle.
False prophet? There is no such thing as a prophet period!
I can guess whether certain events happen in the future with as good a success rate as anyone...that does not make me a prophet.
Benny Hinn is a laffable a$$...the people that follow him are obviously mental cases who have day passes from the local Hospital.
Christains are not here to 'criticize' of judge people, especially if if gives us a inferiority or superiority complex, Hinn or anyone else.
There is a judgment of the Father (destiny) and the Son (character/fruits). If we see bad 'fruit' in a person, we should pray that they come into the knowledge of what God's will is.
Even if you compared yourself to anyone else compare how many people have you 'led' to Christ and eternal life compared to them.
If you want to point fingers, point them at the real adversary..'the devil' .
For we wrestle not with flesh and blood.
If someone consistently makes prophecies that are not true, I've got to go with false prophet. And yes, if a teacher claims to be of God and to follow the scripture, yet he does not--his teachings contradict scripture, then Christians are spiritually safe in showing that.
It hard to say if he is sincerely misguided or somewhat purposeful
Christians can certainly make mistakes, and I think there are sounder teachers
The first time I saw Benny on TV he was saying Adam and Eve could fly and swim and were stronger than any animal like superman and superwoman because God gave them dominion over the creation
The problem is the experientialism and emotionalism was lifted above careful study... and the result... shallow conclusions stamped falsely as being from God
I do fear God,not Benny Hinn.Fund raising fear tactic's.I am sure Pastor Hinn ask God to forgive him for making.I really don't won't to be the one that has the job of judging someone like Benny Hinn.God Bless him and all the good he does .And may God bless him when he makes a mistake,nobody is perfect.
take him or reject him. but who r u 2 juj????
I would not criticize him just for the simple reason of -Why?
If you do not agree with him, do not listen to him.
I personally do not like to listen to Rod Parsley when he is preaching in front of an audience, but I like to listen to him when he is simply speaking.
Not all Pastors or Preachers are going to ';do it '; for each of us.
As far as his prophecies coming true or not- I am not a Prophet so I have no idea what/ who he is listening to.
Benny Hinn is a tele-evangelist who has made quite a bit of wealth from others. He is not a prophet of God and I have never heard him say that Jesus died for mankind's sins. I think he will have alot to answer for when he stands before God. Faith movement is about claiming it and getting it and the Bible is very clear that as Christians we will have trials and tribulations. We are not all meant to be wealth and not all meant to be well. Wealth , when some Christians recieve it , changes there trust in God. They trust more on what they can do. Sometimes the only way that God can get our attention and really teach us where we are sinning or what we need to learn to grow is by allowing trials and tribulations in our lives to purge out the inpure areas of our lives.
if you criticize and you are right, then you are safe... if you criticize and you are wrong... then you will have to answer for it somehow..
the mistakes of man do not represent god....God represents himself... do not worry so much about human beings who mess up.... he can still use people that are imperfect....God can use anybody.... even don't let it discourage you from doing the right thing...
shouldnt judge anyone ever one thing we all strive to do is hear GOD talking to us and beeny loves the lord the same lord that christians love obey and worship we are not all the same he is bringing people to the lord whos to say its wrong people need hope faith and he gives that through a healing that comes from jesus and father GOD we all have that ability if we pray for it some dont know how to pray for that he prays for those that dont know how its all good
this does NOT CLAIM HE IS A FALSE Prophet he reveals what GOD shows and tell him its your faith thats what brings it to past if you doubt it want happen you must praise god as if it has already happen thats trusting him to do it you faith determine it all faith is powerful
Big time false. Trust Jesus. read the bible.
dodo !
their Father was a COMEDIAN
If anyone uses the word I when describing their ministry I would be careful. It is all God's ministry and at the best we can be anointed to operate in one of the five fold ministries. It ain't us doing the ministering, it is The Spirit of God. All else is bull pucky. God does the healing, God does the prophecy, and God does the Teaching and Preaching. He uses the willing vessels. If God calls us and I believe He calls us all to be willing, then we are to prepare our vessels for His use. A person operating in a prophetic ministry, is not a fortune teller, he is simply a means of confirmation, by the Holy Spirit, for something about the future, that God has already spoke to your heart about. I guess you can answer your own question about Benny and any other visible ministry. Is it God doing it or is it man? Does it confirm something in your spirit? Since God is omnipresent and is all knowing, who is doing the solicitation?
Benny is a false prophet who is in it for profit.
Anyone that claims to be a prophet, and asks for you to send him money is a false prophet. I think we need to throw a lot of these guys in jail for racketeering
Oh really? did you see why Jonah's prophecy didn't come true? Because the guys got scared and tried to get mercy...and they got it.
A nother thing. Benny might have false prophecies...but.
since he claims Jesus is Christ, he can't have a bad ghost in him. + thousands of people pray the praye rof salvation with him on his services..and all of them go to God....
so I wouldn't critisize him.....
False prophet.
Close your mind and open your wallet is what he is really saying.
anyone who claims they are a prophet now are false.
I really don't know much about Benny Hinn but can't stop laughing at Profit. He can't be a false Profit because I believe he is making too much Profit out of religion.
As a committed Christian, I think Benny Hinn is a dangerous charlatan who uses the truth of Christ to enrich himself and uses sensational presentations and proclamations to entice people seeking an emotional experience over biblical truth to to follow him and give to his ';ministry.';
Clearly he is a false prophet and a false healer and probably a flase Christian to. If your concerned about blaspheming the Holy Spirit by critisizing him then dont be. He doesnt work by the book, did Jesus ever slay someone in the ';spirit';? Did his disciples? Ever seen benny heal a blind man, or restore a withered hand? He does shamelessly beg for money though.
2 Peter: 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Wow! God is great!
Let me say this. Any man who preaches the word of God wearing a double-breasted Brioni suit that cost more than the blue book value of me and my Wifes automobiles, while there are starving people throughout th country and the world, are using peoples religions against them. He may believe in God, but he uses others faith to garner wealth, which is greed, which is evil, which means Lucifer's domain.
Yes he is a false profit, his teachings deceive many believers and non believers.The one thing i don't understand is why are healing miracles are being perform through him,is it from GOD?
Hehe... I think the one about the homosexual community being destroyed is funny. Way to get it completly wrong, buddy!
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