Thursday, February 4, 2010

Was the false profit Mohammed a Pedophile?

Among his many other wives Mohammed also married a 6 year old baby, Ayesha. She was his favourite wifeWas the false profit Mohammed a Pedophile?
yes, he made a profit from his profitable religion.Was the false profit Mohammed a Pedophile?
I heard that.
Is this important to make you happy?
Most pedophiles dont marry their victims.

You can consider this a form of sexual and child abuse.

It can also be seen as spiritual perversion.
What would you call Jesus (God) who slept with his mother to give birth to himself. Mary was 12 years old when she gave birht to Jesus... pedophilia, taboo, incest.

Muhammad did not marry a 6 year old girl, Khadija was his favourite wife who was older than him. He was married to her for about 25 years.
How many years ago was this? They can't even decide on who shot JFK and that was filmed in front of the world. Don't believe such fables in reglion that happen so long ago.
pedophile...does that make him a catholic priest ?
that was a custom of the times so probily im sure him and jesus were knee deep in 6 year old girls
Yes he was
Stupid question about t a different time and differnt morailty and desigen to encite relegious and reacial hatred by the opening ';False Prophet';

You are reported

Was Henry the VIII a peadoepfile? Queen Elizeberth raised the age of consent from 8 to 10 years of age, in an age where life expetency was no higher than 35. Now grow up.
learn something new every day...
Even considering the times, it was a bit off. Pre-teen -middleaged marriage.
what ever u say is not true except that he married a girl name Ayesha she was 10 years old and she had reached the age of puberty

but she was not his favourite wife

his favourite wife's name was Khadijah and she was a few

of years older than him
How do you know he was a false profit? This just sounds like more Muslim bashing. And by the way I'm not Muslim, I'm Wiccan. Come on people... Until we start having more tolerance for what other people believe how are we ever going to end war? Besides if you keep focusing on what everyone else is doing ';wrong'; you aren't working on yourself and making sure you are doing good.

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